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Brazils Broken Grade

Broken Brazilnut Kernels - 44LB = 20 kilo

  • Broken Brazilnuts Kernels

    Amazonian Brazilnuts - Originate from the Amazon in Brazil & Bolivia
    The Broken Grades we supply are normally from the Whole Brazils which end up as Broken when being cracked by hand or machines
    this grade is popular with confectionery toffee, mueseli manufacturers
    Also popular for pet & parrot feeding. Brazils are high in Selenium 
  • Brazil nuts are known to have the highest concentration of selenium !!
  • more than 2,500 times than any other edible nuts, 
  • Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant, this has been proven to
  • protect against Heart disease, & cancer like prostrate cancer.
  • Selenium reduces the ageing process & stimulates the immune system,
  • Brazils are well known for the good source of fibres & minerals,
  • like phosphorus, copper & iron.
    If you want to help the world enviroment
    Eat more Brazils to protect the Amazon Rain Forests !!

    More Brazil Facts go to info :  View Brazils info  >

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